Matters Big And Small

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Matters Big And Small

A young newly wed couple who went to visit their elderly uncle and his wife.

They hoped to learn from their uncle the secret that kept him in a happy marriage for many decades.

The elderly uncle told them: “There is only one secret! Big issues are for me to deal with. Small issues are for my wife.”

The young couple asked: “ Which matter would be considered as big, which one is small?”

The elderly uncle replied: “My wife is the person who will decide which matter is big and which one is small “.

In real life, all troubles come from within ourselves. Inside each of us there are both a saint and a devil. The saint treats everything with an easy going attitude while the devil exaggerates one thing after the other.

Living in this world, we should treat each other with consideration.

"Water Too Clear Has No Fish, Person Too Critical Has No Students"

(Chinese proverb 水至清则无鱼, 人至察则无徒)

Therefore no one would be happy if there is too much judgement or criticism.

Please remember that every saint has a past and every bandit has a future. Looking at life with such awareness would make things go smoothly.

The Deceivers (Kuhasutta) | | Sharp End Of A Grain Of Rice

Living and Existing | | Ananda's Bodhi Tree

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