Right Views (Sammādiṭṭhi)

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Right Views (Sammādiṭṭhi)

“Bhikkhus, there is one person w h o arises in the w orld for the welfare of m any people, for the happiness of many people, for the good, welfare, and happiness of many people, of devas and human beings. Who is that one person ? It is one who holds right view and has a correct perspective. He draws many people away from a bad Dhamma and establishes them in the good Dhamma. This is that one person who arises in the world for the welfare of many people, for the happiness of many people, for the good, welfare, and happiness of many people, of devas and human beings"

Anguttara Nikaya - Book of Ones (317)

Right Views (Sammādiṭṭhi) of 5 levels:

  1. Kammassakata-sammādiṭṭhi: accurate understanding of one’s own actions

  2. Jhāna-sammādiṭṭhi: concentrative absorption via meditation

  3. Vipassanā-sammādiṭṭhi: the knowledge of insight via Four Mindfulness Domains

  4. Magga-sammādiṭṭhi: wisdom of the Path of Right View

  5. Phala-sammādiṭṭhīti: wisdom of sainthood

On other words, the wisdom of Right Views lies in seeing the Three Marks of Existence (tilakkhaṇa) and Law of Cause and Effect (paṭiccasamuppāda) through 3 levels: Learning, Analysis and Practice.

Three Marks of Existence (tilakkhaṇa)

  1. Impermanence (Khayatthena aniccam): "all saṅkhāras (conditioned things) are impermanent"

  2. Suffering (Bhayatthena dukkham): "all saṅkhāras are unsatisfactory"

  3. Non-Self (Asaratthena anatta): "all dharmas (conditioned or unconditioned things) are not self"

Impermanence means everything is in constant flux, changing, moving. Nothing stays the same at the same place.

Look at a banana tree. Though it is called a tree but once you peel off the layers of its trunk, it is no longer a tree. Or a shirt. If you unravel the stitches and the cloth, the shirt disappears and you get a bundle of cotton threads, which can also be used to remake the shirt.

Suffering means unsatisfactory, unhappiness which is only an illusion. Two types of suffering are:

  1. Intrinsic (physical): change and deterioration through time, nothing stays safe forever.

  2. Interpreted (mental): pain, discomfort, unhappiness.

The five aggregates of clinging (khandhas)

Pheṇapiṇḍūpamaṃ rūpaṃ
vedanā bubbuḷūpamā
Marīcikūpamā saññā
saṅkhārā kadalūpamā
Māyūpamañca viññāṇaṃ ...
Form is like a pile of froth
Feeling is like a bubble
Perception is like a mirage
Mental constructions are like a banana tree
Awareness is like a conjurer’s trick

Careful Stomach Careless Mind | | Praise & Criticism

Wrong Views (Micchādiṭṭhi) | | Precepts ‐ Basic & Advanced

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