Sharp End Of A Grain Of Rice

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Sharp End Of A Grain Of Rice

Can you tell me, before today's modern advance in science and development, was there any period of time that there was no wind on this planet? Was there any period of time that there was no flowing water on this planet? Was there any period of time that there was no sunlight on this planet? Sunlight, water and wind have always been there. But only now when we have enough knowledge and technology can we develop the correct methods to utilise these powerful sources of energy form nature. The power of the Water, the Sun, and the Wind.

In The Middle Length Discourses (Majjhima Nikaya) the Buddha taught us that if you hold a single grain of rice correctly, its pointy end can be used to pierce something, it can do this to great effect and with good results. However, it you hold the grain of rice incorrectly, you will not be able to do much with it. The Buddha did not use the example of big weapons, he only used the simple tiny grain of rice to explain the idea.

He also taught us that if you try to start a fire incorrectly you will fail, no matter how much heart and effort you put in. But if you start the fire with the correct method, fire will start regardless of how much effort or attention you put in.

Practising Buddhism is the same. When you develop and employ the powers of correctly (Faith, Energy, Mindfulness, Unification, Wisdom, Shame, Fear) you will , at least, achieve some level of good.

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